Just Add Life To Your Days !!!

A famous quote by Bob Marley

Smile more than you cry,
Choose truth over lie...

Give more than you take,
Love more than you hate...

Come back when you go,
For the reasons you know...

Listen more than you say,
Celebrate each n every day...

With the birds you should sing,
Skype & Poke, Call & Ping...

See & feel with your heart,
Eat & burp, sleep & fart...

Hold hands in the rain,
Cuddle & kiss in the train...

Feel the love in the air,
Let her know how you care...

Sing & dance, make merry,
Never miss Tom & Jerry...

'Coz it shows that problems chase,
Hit them hard in the face...

Don't add days to your life,
For every man has a wife :P

Let us hear what HE says,
Just Add Life to your Days !!! :)


  1. Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share


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